Title: The Girl of Hawthorn and Glass
Author: Adan Jerreat-Poole
Pages: 320 pgs
Release: Oct 20, 2020
Genre: YA fantasy
Series or Stand-Alone: This is Book 1. The ending of the novel indicates there will a sequel, but I have not yet heard plans for a follow-up book at this time.
Character Rating: 3.5
Story Rating: 3.5
Writing: 4
Total Stars: 3.75
Persons of Color?: Yes
Pass the Bechdel Test? (Depiction of Women): Yes
Triggers: some violence
I received a free eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Story: I liked the premise of the story! Eli is a hunter, one made by the witches to hunt ghosts. She’s meant to be a deadly assassin, but her new friends and experiences make her question what her marker (and the other witches) has told her. With a group of friends, she tries to get answers by breaking into the heart of the Coven.
The world-building is interesting and was really promising, but it fell short. It was a little too chaotic for navigate. I also loved the idea of the characters, but they were not fleshed out enough for me to feel a real connection to them. I would still read the sequel (if there is one) since it’s really unique and holds a lot of promise, but I am hoping for a little more from the author.
Likes: The world-building and the strong and diverse cast (multiple LGBTQ+ characters!).
Recommendations: For those who like YA, fantasy
Would I recommend it to a friend? Maybe