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Ruthless Gods

Title: Ruthless Gods

Author: Emily A. Duncan

Pages: 544 pgs

Release: April 7, 2020

Genre: YA fantasy, maybe with a bit of horror thrown in

Series or Stand-Alone: Book 2 in the Something Dark and Holy series (presumably of 3 books)

Character Rating: 5

Story Rating: 4.5

Writing: 4.5

Total Stars: 4.75

Persons of Color?: Yes


Pass the Bechdel Test? (Depiction of Women): Yes, fantastic female characters!

Triggers: It’s pretty gory. Lots of blood and blood magic. Some death as well

I received a free eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Story: We continue following the characters from book 1. Serefin is fighting a voice only he can hear. Nadya faces lots of challenges and doubts herself and her god. Malachiasz goes back and forth between his somewhat twisted love for Nadya and his need for power. Things get crazy. Being a god isn’t all its cracked up to be.

Likes: I was really drawn to Malachiasz even though I know he will always make a terrible choice when it comes down to it. Nadya deserves better, but I also secretly want him to be better and be our hero.

Recommendations: For those who like YA Fantasy, adventure, and magic

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